Redemption Voyagers will take part in an advanced STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) training and development focus which will be utilized for digital storytelling with historical correctness, scientific discovery, oceanic navigation, and arts and cultural exchange. Examples of the various STEAM-related areas of focus include:
1. Examine climate change in the Gullah Geechee Islands, Eastern Shore of South Carolina; Perform preliminary study (onsite and through documentation/research)
2. Conduct water sampling to examine the presence and impact of toxins on the Atlantic Ocean along the charted course of Redemption Voyage; Samples taken daily as the ship sails from Mobile, Alabama to Ouidah, Benin, and up the West African coast from Benin to Ghana, The Gambia, and Senegal, and then back to Virginia, USA

1. Create a database management system to track the daily experience of the journey with a particular focus on the impact of the journey on the Voyagers (physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively, and spiritually, etc.)
2. Develop a portal to the world for school children (Junior Voyagers) to be able to tune into the voyage at anytime and participate in real time activities with the Voyagers, including creating STEAM lessons, dialogues, and exchanges
3. Design an official Redemption Voyage coin as a commemorative token through digital imaging tech
1. Design evaluation program/software that tracks: the outcome of the voyage identifying elements that tell the story of the success of the journey; preparedness of the organizers at the initiating phase of the journey; experiences of the Voyagers and the staff; the ship experience (what were challenges and opportunities); impact of each country on the Voyagers; the outcomes of the STEAM projects; and the overall experiences throughout the duration of the Voyage
2. Create the media component of the voyage in collaboration with the: STEAM Team

1. Artistic rendering of the experiences of the voyage throughout, including visual art, photography, music, and dance
2. Share art projects with Junior Voyagers through the portal (children around the world who are tuning in) and with youth and communities in each country
3. Establish a daily creativity blog to share the arts, history, and music of each culture experienced along the voyage
4. Provide content for installation art exhibits
1. Create mathematical models that support the evaluation of the voyage
2. Track the impact of participation of communities and individuals throughout the voyage
3. Collect pertinent statistics to support the evaluation data from the pre-voyage selection and training to the completion of the voyage